{{ LeagueName[rankings.currentLeague] }}
The winner of the Grand Final
{{ rankings.lastGrandFinalWinner.name }}
{{ rankings.lastGrandFinalWinner.score }}
The top 9 places qualify for the Grand Final and advance to the next league.
The first 9 places qualify for the Grand Final.
Grand Final starts {{ getFormatedNextGrandFinalDate(rankings.nextGrandFinalAt) }}
The last 9 places fall to the previous league.
{{ rankingItem.leagueMovement == LeagueMovement.DEGRADE ? 'ᐯ' : rankingItem.place }}
{{ rankingItem.name }}
{{ rankingItem.score ? rankingItem.score : '-' }}
No results.
Question makers ranking
{{ rankingItem.place }}
{{ rankingItem.name }}
{{ rankingItem.score }}
No results.
Loading ranking...

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Click the "Join Game" button to start the game!
#{{ game.id }}
{{ getGameName(game) }}
{{ GameTypeName[game.type] }}
{{ getFormatedGameFullDateTime(game.endAt) }}
{{ StageName[game.stage] }}
{{ padPoints(game.points) }}
{{ getStateNameForMe(game, game.state) }}
{{ getEndGameDescription(game) }}
{{ padPoints(game.points) }}
Join Game
Looking for opponents...
the game will start in 20 seconds
#{{ practice.id }}
{{ getFormatedGameFullDateTime(practice.endAt) }}
{{ practice.name }}
{{ index + 1 }}
Press the button below to select a question set.
#{{ question.id }}
{{ QuestionTypeName[question.type] }}
{{ getFormatedGameFullDateTime(question.createdAt) }}
{{ question.askContent }}
{{ QuestionStateName[question.state] }}
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Click the "Add Question" button to add your first question!